Strolling down Newbury and Charles Street, enjoying early morning walks on the Esplanade, and romping (that was mostly Satchel) on the Boston Common and in Peter’s Park. Satchel, a people and treat-loving creature, became the quintessential city dog, quickly identifying the best treats and dog friends on every route.
New England winter arrived with its abundance of snow, slush, salt, and mud. Satchel’s thick coat and paws were constantly wet and dirty; the apartment was constantly wet and dirty. To make matters worse, Satchel’s skin became damp and itchy — an unhealthy dog-cleaning dilemma.
This situation reared its furry head the same time that Lisa retired from her job as a professor of European Literature. Not content to follow Satchel around all day with mop in hand, Lisa decided to start a new kind of dog grooming service, one that welcomed all dogs whenever they needed it: every month, every week or every day. She also wanted to create a space for dog-loving neighbors to gather — to connect with likeminded humans, to visit local art exhibits, or just use the WiFi.
Onyva is dedicated to pets and their people, and to creating moments of pure, clean, joy. To share anecdotes and information about life as urban dog owners. And to see your smile when your soft, sweet-smelling pup runs into your arms.